The Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) Regional Bench Lucknow granted the disability in a case where the applicant was suffered from a heart attack on annual leave while he was on annual leave. The Medical Board opined that 14 days charter of duty shows no contributory factor to the cause of ID and No close time association of ID with stress and strain of service. Hence, ID conceded as “Neither Attributable to Nor Aggravated by Military Service”. The board had assessed the disability of the applicant @30% for life and recommended net assessment qualifying for disability, element Nil for life. The Hon’ble Tribunal while granting the relief rejected the contention of the respondents that 14 days charter of duty shows no contributory factor to the cause of ID. No close time association of ID with stress and strain of service. Hence, ID conceded as “Neither Attributable to Nor Aggravated by Military Service” Refer OA No. 315 of 2021 Samar Pal Singh Vs Union of India and others decided on 7th January 2022.

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