- Col. (Retd.) Ram Nagina Singh was an ex-serviceman retired from the post of Colonel. He had served the Indian Army for about three decades including JAG Department and after his retirement started practicing at High Court. He has vast experience of Armed Forces laws especially all kinds of Court Martial. He had done about 200 General Court Martial. After the establishment of the Armed Forces Tribunal, he was dealing only Armed Forces matter at different benches of the Armed Forces Tribunal. He was also a Member of the Bar Council of Delhi including Member of the AFT Bar Association, Regional Bench Lucknow. he had served the Central Government after his retirement before the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) Regional bench at Lucknow as Central Government Standing Counsel. He was the Chief Patron/Mentor of KLS under whose able guidance KLS has acchieved such remarkable position in the field of law at Lucknow. He had left the family of KLS in Covid – 19 Pandemic period in November 2020 and his sad demise is the unbearable loss to legal fraternity dealing with the Defence matters.
- Vinay Pandey with a wide spectrum of Educational Qualifications comprising of Science and Law, is a strong pillar of our organization. In the year 2017, he has established a law firm with its head office at Lucknow and since then has been instrumental in developing work. He obtained his LL.B. Degree from the Lucknow University and is a Member of Uttar Pradesh Bar Council and Oudh Bar Association, High Court of Judicature at Allahabad, Bench at Lucknow, Armed Forces Tribunal Bar Association, Regional Bench Lucknow, Central Bar Association, Lucknow. He has experience in handling Litigation related to service, labour, bank recovery matters and criminal law and Consumer Court matters. He has vast specialization in defense matters and appears regularly before the various benches of the Armed Forces Tribunal across India.

- Rohit Ranjan obtained his LL.B. Degree from the Lucknow University and is a Member of Uttar Pradesh Bar Council including Member of Central Bar Association. He has experience in handling Litigation related to civil matters before the District and Subordinate Courts in many Districts of U.P.
- Vishnu Kumar Mishra obtained his LL.B. Degree from the Lucknow University MBA from UPTU, and is active Member of Uttar Pradesh Bar Council including Member of Awadh Bar Association, Joint Secretary at ALL UP Consumer Bar Association for the years 2021 – 22. He has experience in handling Cosumer Disputes at State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (SCDRC) and National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) and experience in civil matters at High Court of Judicature at Allahabad Bench at Lucknow.